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Urban developers can pay the stormwater offset rate if they’re unable to treat stormwater within their development to meet best practice standards.

One of our key roles is managing stormwater and river health in greater Melbourne. We work with councils, developers, homeowners, authorities and businesses to mitigate the impacts of stormwater on our environment and the community.

Council will determine if your development meets best practice standards and whether an offset will be required to be paid.


You must consult with council to determine if Stormwater Quality Offset Contributions are supported for the proposed development.

The stormwater quality offset contribution is only used in exceptional circumstances. Applications must meet the following criteria:

  1. The application is for subdivisions, buildings and works of less than 1 hectare.
  2. Council have assessed the development and provided Melbourne Water with their written acceptance of the use of an offset contribution. This option is only approved in circumstances where the applicant has demonstrated that Water Sensitive Urban Design WSUD treatment cannot be achieved on site.

Council will need to review the proposed treatment of stormwater (if any) and nominate the percentage of the area of the development that is required to pay an offset for stormwater quality.

You will need to have this review documented and endorsed by Council by completing the Stormwater Quality Offset Contribution application.

Application process

Documents required

To apply for an offset contribution, you must supply either:

  • council certified/referred plan of subdivision, or
  • council endorsed/approved plans for development

As well as:

  • Stormwater assessments, i.e. STORM Calculation

Approval process

We assess the application and determine the amount to pay. We will send an invoice with an amount to pay and any conditions.


The process takes 14 days.

Incomplete applications may be delayed or returned requesting additional information.

Inactive applications will be automatically cancelled after 14 days.


There are no fees for this service.

Guidelines or standards

Water quality contributions explained

Stormwater offsets explained

Contact us

If you need help completing this application, contact us:

 131 722

 [email protected]

Last updated: