We are currently experiencing a significant increase in applications due to the growth in demand for our services. Unfortunately this has created significant delays in our response. We acknowledge your patience and will make every effort to process your application as soon as we can.

You must have our approval before you start work on any utility installations (such as gas, electricity and water) or excavations near our assets.

​Our assets include our sewers, drains, waterways and water mains located in a road reserve, easement, or  reserves.

This is how we protect our rights of access and ensure any proposed work meets our technical requirements.

Any works undertaken without Melbourne Water approval will be considered illegal under the Water Act.

Application process

Your proposed work must meet our technical requirements for utility installations aligned across or in parallel to our sewage and stormwater pipes, water mains and natural or artificial channels.

Approvals from other authorities

We may need evidence of approvals from other authorities or private owners who may be affected by your works before we provide approval.

Check that you comply with other laws that may affect your development, such as Special Building Overlay and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay.

Check installation requirements

Make sure your application meets our technical requirements for utility installations that are aligned across or in parallel to our sewage and stormwater pipes, water mains and natural or artificial channels.

Important information for high voltage works

When installing high voltage (HV) power cable(s) that will cross or are adjacent to a water supply asset, we will need evidence (with calculations) that this will not cause unacceptable voltages to our ‘water supply’ pipeline. This includes when the HV power cables are under fault conditions.

This is an important safety issue. Electrocution of water supply operators or other public safety risks are associated with above ground fittings. You can refer to Melbourne Water’s “AM SPEC CORR-22 Low Frequency Induction Hazard Assessment” specification for detail of the assessment required.

This document is based on AS/NZS 4853:2012 ”Electrical Hazards on Metallic Pipelines”, but takes into account Melbourne Water’s assets and particular activities managing these assets as part of the required assessment.

We will provide our AM SPEC CORR-22 document once you have submitted your application.  

Documents required

Your application must include a cover letter, detailed designs, specifications and any supporting documents or evidence that outlines the following:

  • cross-section diagram showing clearance between services

  • detailed engineering drawings

You may be required to supply the following information:

  • alignment or location of proposed works

  • dimensions and clearances

  • work methods report

  • survey plans of the location

  • drawings location of assets (offsets)

  • cross-section diagram of the proposed works and our assets

  • photographs of the affected area

  • environmental report

Approval process

If we approve the installation, we will send you a letter outlining any specific conditions you must meet as part of our approval and any relevant fees.

You may be required to respond with a written acceptance to comply with our conditions.

Prior to the commencement of works on Melbourne Water’s asset, the contractor must contact Melbourne Water’s Asset Services Team on 131 722 for approval/permits on a live asset(s). Penalties apply for unauthorised works.

All contractors who carry out works on live assets are required to have a Permit to work.

Inspections may be required at different stages of the works, your letter of approval will confirm this requirement. Please refer to inspection of work.


We are currently receiving a high volume of applications due to growth in demand for our services, which has unfortunately created significant delays. We acknowledge your patience and will make every effort to process your applications as soon as we can. View our current processing times.


Fees differ depending on the proposed work. We will advise you of the amount once we assess your application. 

Please note this application fee is non-refundable.

Fees and security for construction, works and connections.

Guidelines or standards

Make sure your application meets our technical requirements for utility installations aligned across or in parallel to our sewage and stormwater pipes, water mains and natural or artificial channels.

Check what you can do

For information on underground pipes, cables or other assets call Dial Before You Dig on 1100 or visit Dial before you dig.

Important information

Your application may experience a delay if there are any issues. Delays in the application process may happen if:

  • The information and documentation are incomplete or missing.
  • We need to further investigate the complexity of the development.

We assess applications on a case-by-case basis and will notify you of the following outcomes once we have completed the review.

  1. The application approved. Project can move forward. 
  2. The application approved. Conditions need to be met before the project can move forward. 
  3. The application declined. We will notify you of the reasons the project cannot move forward. (reasons given). 
  4. Application needs to be assessed further, and we need more information.

Contact us

If you need any help to complete this application, contact us on 131 722.

Last updated: