This data is automatically sent every hour via radio signals from electronic rain gauges, recording the amount of rain and time that it fell. Note that rainfall data is recorded from 9 am to 9 am. (At 9 am, the total resets to zero.)
For more information about using our interactive map, visit this page.
In addition, you can view historical community rainfall data submitted to us each year by more than 300 volunteers, who take daily readings from their own rain gauges.
DISCLAIMER: While all due skill and attention has been taken in collecting, validating, and providing rainfall, river level and river flow data, Melbourne Water shall not be liable in any way for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss of damage, arising from any error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this information.
In utilising this information the recipient acknowledges that Melbourne Water makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of this information and the recipient ought carry out its own investigations if appropriate.